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Cara download video youtube

Well, Kali ini saya ingin share tentang cara mendownload langsung video dari youtube, terkadang IDM ngadat dan tidak mau mendownload langsung, berikut merupakan alternatif yang layak dicoba. Kali ini


I wish our teacher have same teaching method as this one :)


League of Legends (LoL)

Mungkin diantara kalian dah ada yang pernah denger LoL.. Bukan Laugh out Loud.. tapi League of Legends. Ya LoL sendiri sudah berkembang sangat pesat, peminat mereka juga sudah sangat banyak. Salut untuk developer game tersebut yang dengan tabah menghadapi segala kesulitan dan terus berinovasi dan berkarya dalam pekerjaan mereka. Sekarang LoL sendiri sudah berkembang hingga hampir 4 season. dan salut juga buat gamernya yang setia bermain tanpa bosan dan mendukung setiap kebiajakn developer.


Ember spirit. Maximum Potention

Hi guys, lama ga ngepost soal dota. Jadi kali ini mau sharing aja saya kemarin nyoba ember spirit. Hero ini potensinya gede banget di early. Dengan skill dps area yang amat sakit, dan disabler nya dia mampu untuk mendominasi lane di early. Tapi


6.79 Official release

Dota 6. 79 Officially released. Get the latest map on www.playdota.com

Channel log :

Channel log:
6.79 Gameplay Buyback prevents gaining unreliable gold (creeps, neutrals, etc) until your normal respawn time finishes * When buying back, 25% of the remaining respawn time will be added to your next death * Creeps now meet a bit closer to the tower in your offlane * Ranged Heroes now get the same denied experience as melee heroes (instead of less) * XP AoE increased from 1200 to 1300 * Non-Ancient Neutrals now split XP with all heroes in the AoE instead of just the team that killed them * Swapped the medium pullable Neutral Camp with the small camp * A neutral creeps camp will no longer spawn the same set of neutral creeps twice in a row * Small reduction to the pull timing duration of the mid Sentinel and mid-top Scourge camp * Satyr Soulstealer XP bounty reduced from 88 to 62 * Satyr Hellcaller XP bounty reduced from 155 to 119 * Mud Golems XP bounty reduced from 119 to 88 * Mud Golems armor reduced from 4 to 2 * Dark Troll Warlord bounty XP reduced from 155 to 119 * Polar Furbolg Ursa Warrior HP reduced from 1100 to 950 * Polar Furbolg Champion armor reduced from 5 to 3 * Satyr Trickster's Purge cast point improved from 0.5 to 0.2 * Day/Night length decreased from 6 to 4 minutes * The following heroes now have the standard 800 night vision: Drow Ranger, Mirana, Puck, Leshrac, Enchantress, Ancient Apparition, Meepo and Treant Protector * Roshan will respawn at a random time between 8 and 11 minutes after death * When Aegis expires unused, it heals the hero fully over 5 seconds (regen dispels on damage from players or buildings) * Starting gold increased from 603 to 625 * Random Gold bonus reduced by 50 * Gold for ending a spree changed from 75->600 (3x->10x) to 125->1000 * Your gold income is now 1 per 0.6 seconds, up from 1 per 0.8 seconds * Tower Last Hit bonus gold increased from 100-200 to 150-250 * Melee Barracks HP regen increased from 2.5 to 5 * Ranged Barracks HP regen decreased from 2.5 to 0 * Ranged Barracks HP reduced from 1500 to 1200 and armor increased from 5 to 10 (same EHP vs physical damage) * Evasion now stacks diminishingly (like crit, spell resistance, etc) * Can no longer orb-attack while attack restricted (such as Ethereal or Frostbite) * The following abilities no longer automatically ignore backswing time by default: Rupture, Malefice, Venomous Gale, Stifling Dagger, Flamebreak, Wave of Terror, Shadow Word and Power Cogs * Removed Slark and Broodmother from Captain's Mode * Added Medusa to Captain's Mode * Fixed an issue with magic resistance items and Meepo's innate magic resistance * Fixed a bug with Dark Rift that could cause it to select a dead unit when ground targeting * Fixed a bug with Soul Catcher targeting AOE being 50 larger than actual aoe * Fixed a bug with using BoT on a unit near trees * Fixed a bug with send back Glimpse Duration * Fixed a bug with the duration of secondary stacks of Shadow Poison lasting 8 seconds instead of 10 more at www.playdota.com
copyright www.playdota.com


True story?


Bentar lagi.. UAS..

Hai readers, sebentar lagi saya bakalan ngehadepin ulangan akhir semester yaahh, kurang lebih 5 hari lagi.. Jadi, mungkin beberapa hari kedepan bakalan jarang nulis..


Hello.. Is this on?

Oke, setelah sekian lama karena berhubung saya ada tugas tentang blog, blog ini bakalan aktif dan mungkin bakalan lebih banyak entri... semoga saja.


Biar Ga Lupa waktu gan..